My name is Bobby Leeper, and this web page serves the purpose of exploring the diverse apocalyptic themes discussed in the books read throughout this semester in the Honors Surviving the Apocalypse course delivered virtually at Wright State University. My interest in apocalyptic events focuses on the complex and dynamic interactions amongst mankind in the midst of these events. Over the course of these books, these complicated interactions have certainly drawn my attention the most.
From cults to cultural influence as a whole, the books that I have read in this class have made it clear to me that apocalyptic events create a unique history human interaction that is certainly worth documenting. This is not only to keep a record of these terrible events, but, in my opinion, apocalyptic archives allow for us to learn from potential mistakes of the past. The significance of archiving apocalyptic events that I observed in the class material was my inspiration behind creating my own apocalyptic archive as my final project.